Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 05/10/2024

Here at Anchorage Children’s Home, we are committed to your privacy and your trust in us.

As such, we would like to let you know exactly how important it is for us to keep your information private, what information we have and why, and the methods we use to protect that information.

Anchorage does not collect identifying data that is individually specific, instead only trends of use such as numbers of hits per page, etc. Anchorage does not use cookies to track utilization for marketing purposes. We do have email contacts on our site and if you choose to send us an email you should be aware that Anchorage personnel are mandatory reporters of abuse and neglect of children, so disclosure of certain information may result in our needing to disclose information to appropriate authorities.

Anchorage HIPAA Policy: For disclosure our full notice of privacy practices please see below:

Anchorage Children’s Home maintains the confidentiality of individually identifiable, protected, health care information pertaining to employees, clients and their families in a manner that complies with HIPAA. Our records of your employment contain very personal information. State and federal law protect the confidentiality of this personal information. We ensure your Protected Health Information (PHI) is safeguarded in accordance with HIPAA guidelines. PHI includes individually identifiable information about:

• Your past, present, and future health or condition,
• Provision of health care to you,
• Payment for the health care considered PHI Except in very specific circumstances we must use or disclose only the minimum PHI that is necessary to accomplish the reason for the use or disclosure. Reasons why we may need to use or disclose your PHI includes:

For Payment: While they are provided at no cost to you directly, the cost of certain employment related health services such as initial health screening s borne by Anchorage Children's Horne therefore we must release certain information to appropriate providers.

For Treatment: Unless required by law to do so, we will not release information without your written permission. Permission to release information may be revoked at any time. At times, these releases of information are necessary to ensure that we are able to confirm services are provided and that leave is legitimately accounted for. We may also release information to your family or others involved in your care as a part of your care unless you specifically object to disclosure. For Oversight: Regulatory and funding agencies retain the right to oversee the standards and practices of our agency to ensure quality of care and the ethical use of funds provided. Records are reviewed to ensure services are provided in keeping with given standards. For Workers' Compensation: We may disclose PHI to comply with workers' compensation laws and to follow up on claims.

Extreme Circumstances: There are also times when we are required by law to share certain types of information that does not require your authorization.

1. Staff must contact the Florida Abuse Registry any time they suspect that a child, adult or developmentally delayed person has been abused or neglected, unless the abuse has already been reported and investigated.

2. Staff must contact a local mental health provider or law enforcement if you say that you really intend to hurt someone or yourself. They also must warn the person you ma de the threat about.

3. Staff must release information related to certain public health conditions and decedents to the appropriate health authorities as required by applicable law.

4. Staff may release necessary information to obtain emergency healthcare when we do not have time to obtain permission and disclosure is determined to be in your best interest.

5. Staff must release to the court any information it requests under court order.

Your Rights Related To Disclosure:

You can request limits on uses or disclosure of your PHI, but Anchorage Children's Home is not legally bound to agree with the limits. However, we will consider your request and to the extent that we do agree, we will document the limits and attempt to abide by them except in emergencies and where in conflict with law. You may choose how and where we send you information re: employment/healthcare. You have a right to review PHI related to your services, unless disclosure is determined to be harmful to you or others in some way. If you request access and access is denied, you have the right to know why access has been denied. You also have the right to insert a statement into our record regarding anything - contained in it and to recommend any corrections or additions you believe are necessary. You may request a list of disclosures except when disclosures were made for the purpose of treatment/services to be provided to you, payment for services/treatment, national security, or communication with law enforcement/corrections officials. You have the right to receive a copy of this notice. The clients we serve also have the same rights to privacy and confidentiality of their PHI. As an Anchorage Children's Home employee, you are to ensure that employees conduct their work in such a way as to ensure the protection of PHI. Employees found to be negligent or purposeful in their unauthorized disclosure of PHI are subject to sanctions that vary by the severity of the violation including the suspension of access to information during investigations of violations.

Requests for Information/Access to Records must be submitted in writing to:

Human Resources Director
Anchorage Children's Home
2121 Lisenby Ave.,
Panama City, FL 32405.

If you believe, we have violated your privacy rights or disagree with a decision that has been made re: access to your PHI you may submit your concerns in writing to:

Executive Director,
Anchorage Children's Home
2121 Lisenby Ave.,
Panama City, FL 32405.

Or if dissatisfied, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Attention: Office for Civil Rights, Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center, Suite 3B70, 61 Forsyth St. SW, Atlanta, GA 32303-8909.